Terms and Conditions of Google Business Profile Action Program
If you don't agree with the rules, you should stop using the site right away. By using this site, you agree to these Terms of Use and show that you agree with them. Don't use the site if you don't agree with these rules.
Materials Can't Be Used in Certain Ways
All rights are reserved for the materials on this website, which are protected by copy rights. Text, graphics, databases, HTML code, and other intellectual property are protected by US and international copyright laws. They can't be copied, reprinted, published, reengineered, translated, hosted, or shared in any other way without the owner's permission. All of the trademarks on this website belong to Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com or other owners who have given permission to use their trademarks.
Who owns, licenses, and uses a database
Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com guarantees, and you agree, that it owns the rights to the Databases of Links to Articles and Resources that are sometimes made available through Shelleyssocialmedia.com. Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com and its contributors hold all rights, and this agreement does not give anyone any intellectual property rights.
Under these Terms and Conditions, Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com gives you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the database(s) you can access. The database(s) can only be used to look at information or get information out of them in the ways listed below.
You agree to use information you get from Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com databases only for your own personal use or the internal purposes of your home or business, as long as you don't sell or broker information. You also agree not to publish, print, download, transmit, distribute, reengineer, or reproduce in any way any part of the databases (either directly or in condensed, selected, or tabulated form), whether for resale or not.
Still, you can sometimes download or print out single pages of information that you've picked out yourself to meet a specific need for information that is only for your personal use or is only for use in your business on an internal, confidential basis. You may make only as many copies of any output, either in machine-readable form or on paper, as is reasonable for these purposes. Nothing in this document gives you permission to make a database, directory, or hard copy publication based on or using the databases for internal or external use or distribution.
Cancellations and Refunds
For digital goods or services, we only give refunds within 7 days of the purchase date. Our information has been shown to work for those who use it, but we can't be responsible for the lack of results you get if you don't use it.
Please don't buy any of our programs if you have no plans to use them.
Shipping, Customs, and Import Fees on Physical Goods
Customers outside the US: Orders sent to countries other than the US may be subject to customs import duties and/or taxes, depending on where they are going. If customs fees are charged, they are on top of the shipping cost and the customer is responsible for them. Information that can't be told to anyone else
By visiting this site and/or buying products from Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com, referred to as the "COMPANY," you agree not to share any confidential information about the COMPANY's products, services, strategies, etc. "Confidential Information" means that any information shared through programs or courses will be kept secret.
The Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, any and all information that is not generally known by the public and is related to or about: the business activities, dealings or strategy, content, training, and/or officers, directors, employees, or contractors of COMPANY, and/or their officers, directors, employees, or contractors; any confidential information, knowledge, and know-how about the operations, products, services, procedures, or customers of COMPANY, in any format, including, but not limited to, Also, these terms of service apply to all Confidential Information that is private by nature and that the COMPANY, in its sole and absolute discretion, labels as Confidential Information.
The information on this site is given "as is" and without any express or implied warranties of any kind. Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com doesn't make any warranties, either express or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com does not guarantee that the functions in the materials will be uninterrupted or error-free, that problems will be fixed, or that this site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components. Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com doesn't guarantee or make any claims about how the materials on this site can be used or what will happen if they are used, whether it's because they are correct, accurate, reliable, or something else. You, not Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com, are responsible for paying for any service, repair, or correction that needs to be done. Depending on the law, you might not be able to get out of implied warranties, so the above disclaimer might not apply to you.
Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, shall Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials on this site, even if Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com or a Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The law may not let you limit or exclude liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com's total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort, including but not limited to negligence, or otherwise) will never be more than the amount you paid, if any, to access this site.
At the time they were put on the website, the facts and information on this website were thought to be true. Any time, without warning, changes can be made. All of the information on this website is for your own information only. The information on this website and its pages is not meant to give specific legal, financial, tax, or any other kind of advice for any person or business, so you shouldn't rely on it that way. The services talked about on this website are only available in places where it is legal to do so. The information on our website is not all-inclusive. It only includes the information that Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com has been given access to, so you shouldn't take it as being accurate or complete.
Disclosure of Earnings
The information on this website is only meant to teach and entertain you.
We are not giving you a chance to start a business.
We are not giving you a chance to be a distributor.
We're not saying anything about how much money you might make.
We're not giving you a chance to make a lot of money.
Before you start anything, please be careful and talk to your own professional advisors, like your lawyer and your accountant.
When income numbers are mentioned (if they are), they are anecdotal information about the results that the person sharing the information has had. We haven't checked those people's claims on our own. Please don't think that you will make the same amount of money as those people.
Please don't take anything on this website as a claim or example of what the average salary is. There is NO "average salary." Individual statements and testimonials should not be taken as claims or indications of average earnings. We can't, won't, or can't say anything about average or other earnings.
Success in anything depends on a lot of things that are unique to you. We don't know where you went to school, what skills you have, how much experience you have, or how much time you can and will spend on the project.
Please do your own research before you start any plan of action. Follow what your qualified advisors tell you to do. There are risks in everything, and not everyone can handle them. If you use capital, you should only use "risk" capital. There is no guarantee that any of the ideas in our materials will help you make money. The examples in our materials should not be taken as a promise or guarantee that you will make money. Your actual results will depend on a lot of different things, and we can't promise that they will be the same as ours or anyone else's. We can't promise that any of the ideas in our material will help you in any way.
You agree that we won't share in your success and that we won't be responsible for your failure or for anything you do in any project you take on. Please understand that what happened in the past can't tell you what might happen in the future. The Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 says that some of the information in our product and on our website may be based on or include "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements tell what we think will happen or what we think will happen. These statements are easy to spot because they don't just talk about facts from the past or the present. They use words like "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "project," "intend," "plan," "believe," and others that mean the same thing to talk about how much money they might make or how well their finances will do. All of the forward-looking statements in our materials are meant to show what we think about how much money could be made. They are just opinions, so you shouldn't take them as facts.
Links and Marks
The owner of this site isn't always connected to sites that link to it, and he or she isn't in charge of what's on those sites. The sites with links are only for your convenience, and you visit them at your own risk. Links to other websites or mentions of products, services, or publications that are not made by Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com and its subsidiaries and affiliates do not mean that Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com and its subsidiaries and affiliates support or approve of those websites, products, services, or publications.
Some names, graphics, logos, icons, designs, words, titles, or phrases on this website may be trade names, trademarks, or service marks of Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com or other companies. The fact that trademarks are shown on this website does not mean that any kind of license has been given. Any unauthorized downloading, re-transmission, or other copying or modification of trademarks and/or the content here could be a violation of federal common law trademark and/or copyright laws, and the person who did it could be sued.
Codes, passwords, and information must be kept secret.
You agree to keep private and secret any Subscriber Code, username, user ID, or password you may have received from Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com, as well as any information you have access to through password-protected areas of Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com websites. You also agree not to communicate, copy, or otherwise share such information with anyone else.
Other Legal Stuff
Every time you visit Shelleyssocialmedia.com, you must follow these rules. Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com reserves the right to make changes to these Terms of Use by posting a new version of this document on this site. That version will then apply to all of your use after the date of publication. Each time you use Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com to get information, it will be a separate transaction with its own terms.
You can't give this agreement to someone else or rent it out to someone else without getting written permission from Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com first.
These Terms of Use will be governed by, interpreted according to, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Wisconsin, USA, as they apply to contracts made and carried out entirely within that province.
If you have infringed on or threatened to infringe on the intellectual property rights of Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com and/or its affiliates in any way, Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com and/or its affiliates may seek injunctive or other relief in any state or federal court in Wisconsin, USA, and you agree that these courts have exclusive jurisdiction and venue.
Any other disagreements will be settled in the following ways:
If we can't come up with a solution that works for both of us through mediation, we agree to have the dispute settled by binding arbitration in Wisconsin. Any court that has the power to do so can make a decision based on the arbitration's decision.
If any part of this agreement is invalid or can't be enforced, it won't change the other parts.
This Terms of Use agreement stays in place until either party ends it. You can end this agreement at any time by destroying all materials you got from any and all Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com sites, as well as all related documentation, copies, and installations, whether made under the terms of this agreement or not. If you don't follow any of the rules or terms of this agreement, Shelley’s Social Media, LLC./Shelleyssocialmedia.com can end this agreement right away without giving you any notice. When the agreement ends, you must destroy all materials you got from this site and any other Shelley’s Social Media, LLC. / Shelleyssocialmedia.com site(s), as well as any copies you made of them, whether in accordance with this agreement or not.
Copyright 2023 Shelleyssocialmedia.com
This website has nothing to do with Google.com or Facebook.com. This website has no direct ties to those websites, the companies that run them, or any other websites that are linked to them.